Why is My Mac Running Slow?!?!

Author: MacForMusicians
366609 View
6m 45s Lenght
1144 Rating

If your Mac is running slow, check out these possibilities. Be sure to visit us and check out our other videos on Apple technology for musicians at: http://ow.ly/eFre0


  1. lets say you want to start gaming for example. Does just playing games itself make it slower? or just downloads?
  2. because its a mac
  3. this was very helpful thanks
  4. How do u prevent this??? (This video was helpful thou but I am getting a mac and I don't want to mess it up :)
  5. fucking areshole,,,,get to the point...stop your BS
  6. you can just add ram
  7. Even when there's nothing running, and after it gets restarted twice, still too slow to open a window.
  8. What if my mac is so slow that I can't even open a window?
  9. 1738 subs lol
  11. High Quality Cleaner for MacBooks Discover & Review Detox My Mac.
  12. Sounds like a virus
  13. hi guys, the greatest success that I have had was with the Mels Speed Method (just google it) definately the most incredible treatment i've tried.
  14. I was waiting for the part when you tell me what i can erase !!!!
  15. My Mac Has Never Been Faster...
    And more enjoyable to use! I keep it clean and organized with weekly using detoxmymac detoxes.
  16. DUDE! Get to the point!
  17. I'm not sure but ,if anyone else wants to uncover best mac cleaner software try Stiklind Fast Mac Fixer (do a search on google). I've heard some decent things about it and my buddy got great results with it.
  18. Sometimes the problem is hardware like defect ridden deteriorating hard drives. For instance a lot of Imacs made in the last few years suffer from shitty deteriorating hard drives. You have lots of ram, processing power, etc, but even simple programs like preview take forever to load and Safari will at times spin the wheel and suddenly freeze. Nothing you do helps, you try every tweak, every efficiency protocol but nothing helps. Your Mac just runs slow, intermitently spins the wheel. You reboot and perform disk repair and things run well for a bit but then things slow down again very soon.
    If this is the regular pattern, all bets are on a bum hard drive.
    I spent $1600 on an iMac only to have this happen a year and a half later and it only got worse with time. My warranty is up and my choice is to spent high repair/parts cost or another $1600 for a new one or to never buy one of these wretched things again. I'm choosing the later.
  19. My Mac is so slow that is too slow to download a cleaner and too slow to delete any files and too slow to load activity monitor.
  20. Nothings in red in activity monitor. I only have 6 things opened.