
"Why should I hire you" - Best Interview Questions and Answers

Author: Don Georgevich
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3m 29s Lenght
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FREE Online job interview training program - Get it here now: https://jobinterviewtools.com/YouTube In this free program youโ€™ll learn how to improve your interview performance with my simple step-by-step formula for interview success. To get the list of behavioral questions this video mentions, you need to register for this free program here: https://jobinterviewtools.com/advantage/ GET THE COMPLETE INTERVIEW ANSWER GUIDE HERE: http://www.jobinterviewtools.com Visit my blog here: http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/blog/ Register for my Behavioral Interview FREE Course here: http://jobinterviewtools.com/advantage/ Want ME to personally help you? http://jobinterviewtools.com/coaching/ Contact me directly here: http://www.jobinterviewtools.com โ€“ just scroll down to the bottom of the page Don is the "#1 Most-Strategic Job Interview Coach" in America and author of 3 best-selling books. Get FREE job interviewing advice directly from Don : : Sign-up for his most sought after interviewing course that is a treasure-trove of little-known secrets about job interviews that Don has amassed over his 25+ year career : : It's called "7 Days to Mastering the Art of the Interview" and it's FREE: http://www.JobInterviewTools.com/7Days Vist http://www.JobInterviewTools.com and snag the latest copy of the Complete Interview Answer Guide. It will show you how to answer any type of interview question so you can ACE your next interview. Visit the Don's that holds a stash of secret weapons you can use on your next interview :: http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/blog/ Watch Don show you how to tell interviewers why they should hire you. This is often the last question you will be asked in an interview. Prepare for it. This is your chance to restate the skills you possess that are most relevant to the position and to summarize your other qualities that make you the perfect person for the job. Outline your answer before you go in, so that you can answer clearly, concisely, and with confidence. Your answer should be short and to the point. It should reflect your professional background as it relates to current needs and problems of the position. Review the job description and tell how you are the right person for the job by matching up your skill set with each bullet point of the job description. In formulating your answer as to why they should hire you, be sure to address these areas: 1. Determine their goals for the position. This should come up during your research into the company and the position. If possible, talk to others who work for the company. If you are unclear on this point, include it in the questions you ask at the interview and be prepared to incorporate it into your answer. 2. Show you have the skills needed for the job. Based on the goals you have identified in step one, determine how your skills and experience support those goals. If necessary, refer back to your list of skills. when you do all of these correctly, answering why should I hire you end up being a pretty easy way to answer this question. For more ways to answer why should I hire you, visit my blog: http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/blog/why-should-i-hire-you-good-answers-to-interview-questions/ Be sure to check out one of my most popular videos on "Tell Me About Yourself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CumOvDWnUDY Tell Me About Yourself http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/blog/the-right-interview-questions-to-ask/ http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/blog/job-interview/interview-techniques/second-interview/ http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/blog/format-a-list-of-job-references/ http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/resume/ http://www.jobinterviewtools.com/blog/job-interview/behavioral-interviewing/


  1. thanks
  2. Although I've already had a job and have been working happily, I came in to watch the video because of its title. However, I think the title is more appropriate to be the strategy forming the best answer for the question "Why should I hire you" than as it is because there is no best answers mentioned in the video. just my thought :)
  3. answer at 2:51
  4. I: why should i hire you ?
    me: because you need me ..
  5. I will give honest feedback on the abilities of my manager.
    I will work safe, observe my surroundings, and report any hazards to my employer.
    I will question authority if it does not make sense.
    I will organize, strategize, and employ creative solutions to maximize efficiency, improve quality, and minimize effort.
    I will not follow instructions that are unsafe, illogical, inefficient, or harmful to the environment.
    I am honorable, loyal, and will respect you if you respect me.
    I am a team leader, and a leader that respects my team, works with my team, and a team will follow.
    I will eliminate the weak links from the team.
    I have an extensive technical background in civil engineering, engineering technology, computer science, construction, event setup and coordination, computer networking, computer aided design, carpentry, tool making, forging, interior/exterior maintenance, building management, plumbing, landscaping, snow removal, earth works, natural heritage education, bush craft, knife making, camping, fishing, and I like just about any sport you can play on a field.
    I will become your competitor and put you out of business if you do not hire me.
    ....Assassins exist.
  6. I completely disagree!! you invited me, you must have seen something in me. you tell me why should you hire me? I have no clue about the rest of the candidates so stop asking me this question and tell me why you should hire me!!
  7. Question for the interviewer ย ? How do you know who is lying in their interview ? Everything is about regurgitating a set format of answers most of what you want to hear and not really the truth. That's why we are here training to give you the answers you want. These stupid questions are asked of everyone, if you go for a CEO job or flipping burgers. We need a better system, because liars shouldn't be valued above honest people.
  8. Interviewer : Why should I Hire You?
    Me : Its your Fate๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Ž
  9. I bombed my interview and i took it personally coz i showed eagerness and willing to except any position and shift but then afterwards I realized I proved to the interviewer im not fit for the job based on my nervousness (no resume in my hands) i showed and my answers to the questions weren't clear or met the company's expectations. So i took it as learning from my mistakes and i applied to another retail company. I passed the phone interview and using my resume to help answer the 'difficult' questions really helped to move me to the 2nd in person interview with the manager. After the interview she gave me a drug test with cotton swab in my mouth and i signed papers for them to give me a background check. Not sure if i got the job im waiting for them to call me coz the results take 24-48 hours :S this happend yesterday
  10. because i can do the job and i am a good worker .
  11. Interviewer: Why should I hire you?
    Me: Why should I work for you?
  12. this would be wonderful job .
  13. i have an interview in an hour at Coles haha. This is wayyy to much to jam in so i better play it safe and simple... i think. thanks any way Don.
  14. they asked me "Why should i hire you" i answered "i can eat a whole pizza in 10 sec" and then i lost the job, thanks don....
  15. PPL needs to watch this video because it's great for the information contained to jobs.
  16. I hate when they have a item in their hands and say "sell me this item, convince me I want this item"
  17. Thanks to your videos I received two job offers! Thank you!
  18. "Why should I hire you?"
    "Why should I not just walk out that door ..bitch."
  19. why should you call me of an interview .