Windows Server 2008 Domain Administrator Password Reset

Author: Goelw Gony
37 View
5m 13s Lenght
2 Rating

When you forgot Windows Server 2008 domain administrator password, what to do? You need a computer to install Windows Password Genius Advanced and create a password reset disk for Windows Server 2008. Step 1: Download Windows Password Genius Advanced and install it on computer. Step 2: Run it and insert bootable USB drive into computer to create a password reset disk. After you insert USB drive into computer, select "USB Device" and click "Begin burning" to burn password reset disk into USB drive. When you get "Burning Successfully" message, click "OK" and exit USB drive for Windows server 2008 password reset. Step 3: Take this password reset disk and plug it into locked Windows Server 2008. Set Windows Server 2008 boot from USB reset disk. Step 4: Reset Windows Server 2008 domain administrator password. When Windows Server 2008 boots from USB drive, you would see Windows Password Genius Advanced program runs. Confirm Windows system and select administrator from user list. And then click "Reset Password" button. Unknown domain administrator password would be reset as "iSunshare@2012". After Windows Server 2008 domain administrator password is reset successfully, click "Reboot" button to restart server computer. But please exit USB drive before server computer restarts successfully. So when you go to Windows Server 2008 logon screen, you could type new password "iSunshare@2012" to login into server.
