Windows XP Recovery Virus Removal For Windows XP, Vista and 7!

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8m 44s Lenght
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Windows XP Recovery Virus Removal For Windows XP, Vista and 7! This virus removal guide works for all operating systems, just follow the steps! Links: 1. ComboFix.exe ( ) 2. UnHide.exe ( ) 3. Malwarebytes ( ) Feel free to comment if you have questions about the removal process... Enjoy!


  1. cmonnn why doesnt anybody talk? i just got this virus and its driving me nuts. I just dont understand exactly how to bring up these screens. one video says one thing, another says another. WHY DOESNT ANYBODY HAVE AUDIO WITH THESE VIDEOS? Tell me how you just did what you did.
  2. Very good way of virus removing ! ITS AWESOME !
  3. Does this repair damage,such as missing drivers,My sound card does not work
  4. help i cant find to rename
  5. helped for me, thanks :)
  6. dude you are fricken awesome. i tried malwarebytes before this and it did not fully get the job done. you saved my ass man thanks!
  7. great, thanks
  8. thank you so much
  9. finally someone posts a tut on this, thanks