World War II: Crash Course World History #38

Author: CrashCourse
5781978 View
13m 13s Lenght
70428 Rating

Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit to buy a set for your home or classroom. In which John Green teaches you about World War II, aka The Great Patriotic War, aka The Big One. So how did this war happen? And what does it mean? We've all learned the facts about World War II many times over, thanks to repeated classroom coverage, the History channel, and your grandfather (or maybe great-grandfather) showing you that Nazi bayonet he used to keep in his sock drawer and telling you a bunch of age-inappropriate stories about his harrowing war experiences. So, why did the Axis powers think forceful expansion was a good idea? (they were hungry). So why did this thing shake out in favor of the Allies? HInt: it has to do with the fact that it was a world war. Germany and Japan made some pretty serious strategic errors, such as invading Russia and attacking the United States, and those errors meant that pretty much the whole world was against them. So, find out how this worldwide alliance came together to stop the Axis expansion. All this, plus Canada finally gets the respectful treatment it deserves. Oh, and a warning: there are a few graphic images in this episode. Sensitive viewers may want to use caution, especially around the 9:15 mark. Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @raoulmeyer @crashcoursestan @saysdanica @thoughtbubbler Like us! ‪ Follow us again! ‪ Support Crash Course on Patreon:


  2. The japs also bombed Australia !!!!!!!!
  3. yay Mongolians I am
  4. the real big reason that cause WW2 that British and France declared war on Germany even they know they cant win even by 2v1 and hoping russian and americans joined the war and make the war more worse. if allied didnt declare war then WW2 will not happen and only war that happen is Germany - Soviet war 1941-19?? and 2nd Sino- Japanese war 1937- 19??,
  5. Why wars broke lose is a thing you should not touch on the internet tbh.
    Opinions are all over the place.
  6. I hate you so much but I still watch
  7. So i guess the lesson here is this - is it posible to give justice to WW2 in 13 minutes? No. No it's not. Far from it.
  8. First stop saying "nazis" they were GERMANS. Second the war still would of happended due to the treaty of Versailles.
  9. Justin Bieber.....Whut
  10. Whore Cock Sucking Cracker 🙂
  11. 👍👍👍👍👍 my history teachers are looking at my comments
  12. Congratulations for the lesson.However when speaking about Holoucaust, please mention the impossibility of burning 6 million Jews ?! (Polish government downgraded it to 1 million in 1991) people in hot ovens builded back then + the typhoid fever that explains the use of zyklon B for treating the epidemic issue, not killing people + Official record of dead people by Red Cross at the time was 271.000 people (including Germans) + Fred Leuchter and the complete absence of evidences of Zyklon B in Jews corpses, etc.
  13. who did send those mittens anyways?
  14. Go Canada go
  15. in my country indonesia, when I was in primary school, they thaught us that dutch and japanese are evil that's why they imperialized us. all of it without explaining about the world war first. it made me very confused back then.
  16. They lost more because they're too nice
  17. Thanks for the middle school, pop history
  18. Hey your using slaughter wrong
    Slaughter: use for food
    Murder: is unlawful killing
    I think "Killed" millions is more accurate.

    Love crash course btw just sounded wrong. future generations will be like crash course said they killed and ate all those people.

    😬 silly smart dumb future people with your assumptions of literal meaning.
  19. bombing of england was "BLITZKRIEG" not just "BLITZ"